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Cold and Staind page
13 ways to bleed on stage review
When I got the new Cold cd 13 ways to bleed on stage. I was in total shock I expected Just got wicked and No One the singles off of the cd to be the only good songs. But I was wrong, it is one of the best cds I have heard in a long time.

Cold video shoot for no one
This is from the video for No One.
Stainds new cd breaking the circle came out the other day and I have not had a chance to hear it yet so I can not say that much. But what I do know is that the studio verson of outside is better that the live verson with Fred(the Bitch)Durst. My friend who has its says that it isn't that good. But he's a idiot. Once I get it I will give my review of it.

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Aaron Lewis
Aaron Lewis is one of the most emotional singers that has come along in along time.